Thursday, 8 December 2011

Christmas Is Comming and I am so NOT READY!!!

Sorry I haven't posted for a while but life has just got in the way! Those of you who have been following my blog for a while will know we sadly lost my mother in August of 2010. Since then my father has been living alone some 2 1/2 hrs away and has been very lonely. Well we have finally moved him into a property in the next village so we are at hand when he needs us. I won't bore you with all the details but just to say he was stopping with us for the last 3 weeks!
Anyhow amongst all the upheaval I have managed to make some christmas organisers for the classroom assistants at my daughters school. I downloaded the pages from: and think they will make a useful present to use in next years christmas preparations!
Now to catch up on the christmas shopping, decorating the tree etc!


  1. Sounds like you have really had all hands full! Look after yourself, Valerie

  2. pleased to hear you've managed to get your dad closer to you, hugs xx

  3. These are just lovely Alyson, how hand to have one of these, and for it to be so lovely to look at too. I'm sure the teachers will be delighted, I know I would be :)
    Don't worry Alyson, you can't possibly be as behind with Christmas as me, not a Christmas card, made or bought let alone written out yet or posted, and not even so much as a mince pie bought yet, zero Christmas pressies bought yet either!! I'm not usually this behind at all, but somehow this year it just seems to have crept up (very quickly) without me even noticing, lol!
    We do however have your Christmas tree and decos up, so it does look lovely and festive, even if there is nothing under the tree yet, lol!

    That's great news about your Dad Alyson, it must be so much better knowing he is closer by if ever he needs you, and I'm sure he will feel much happier being closer to his lovely family.
    It sounds like you've been up to your eyes as usual, so very well done you on managing to squeeze in some crafty you time.
    My sister is visiting at the moment, and had hoped to do the same with her, but somehow her visit seems to have just whizzed by, so with a bit of luck perhaps later today, which would be great :)
    Lovely to see you crafting and posting again Alyson.
    Suzie xxx :)

  4. Aly. I'm so sorry to hear about your Mother.. I know it must be difficult even if it was some months ago..I understand but on the bright side you do have your father closer which could be a blessing ! I love the organizers you made.. they are so nice! : ) hugs* Mel
