Thursday, 31 October 2013

Happy Halloween!!!

Just wanted to wish you all a Happy Halloween and share a couple of photo’s with you!

DSCF0013    DSCF0017

Our Pumpkin Carved by my dear hubby!      My daughter just back from Trick

                                                                                              or   Treating!

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Midori Style Christmas Planner/ Refill

I always like to have a small Christmas planner that I can carry in my bag at this time of year. I have seen a lot about the Midori notebook system on YouTube so have decided to make something that is not only good as a small stand alone planner but can also be used in conjunction with a Midori Passport notebook or even a Filofax.

This is what I have come up with:



You can see more about these Planners here in my etsy store!

These little planners would be great record to keep afterwards especially if you don’t have time to keep a December Daily!